Tree Description:
An upright woodland shrub or small tree, often with a single stem, to 30 feet tall, with an irregular, flat-topped crown. The sharp spines along its trunk best identify this tree.
Range/Site Description:
In East Texas on fertile, well-drained woods and streambanks. Occasionally forms thickets in woods openings.
Alternate, double-compound, with a terminal leaf or leaflet, the entire leaf measuring 3 to 4 feet long, clasping the stem with an enlarged base and leaving conspicuous scars when they fall. The oval leaflets are toothed, 1" to 4" long, pointed, with prickles along the leaf stem, dark green above and paler beneath.
In mid-summer, each plant bears one immense (1 foot across) panicle of small, white flowers, which rises well above the leaves.
The small, black fruits, 0.1" to 0.2" in diameter, ripen in the fall and are quickly devoured by birds and small mammals.
Light gray and armed over the entire surface with stout, sharp prickles.
No commercial importance.
Similar Species:
Hercules'-club (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis) has prickles on its stem and leaves, but has once-compound leaves.
Interesting Facts: