Nuttall oak
Quercus texana

Secondary Names:

Leaf Type: Deciduous
Texas Native:
Tree Description:

A large, but infrequent tree of the bottomlands, reaching heights of 75 feet or more and a trunk to 2 feet in diameter; upper limbs are ascending, while lower limbs often droop; base develops a buttress on larger trees.

Range/Site Description:

The edges of forested wetlands, sloughs, terraces, and moist sites along major river systems in southeast Texas.


Simple, alternate, 4" to 6" long and 2" to 5" wide, with 5 to 7 pinnate, bristle-tipped lobes, most often with deep, rounded sinuses between the lobes. Leaves are dark green and glossy on top and pale green below.


Male and female flowers borne in spring on the same tree, the male flowers on catkins up to 5" long, the female flowers less conspicuous.


An acorn, 0.75" to 1.25" long and up to 0.75" wide, oblong, dark brown, enclosed about one-third by a thick, deep acorn cup.


Smooth and gray to black, thin, breaking into scaly plates on larger trunks.


Used for fuelwood, posts, and marketed as red oak lumber throughout its range.

Similar Species:

Pin oak (Quercus palustris) has similar leaves and form but is not native to Texas; Shumard oak (Q. shumardii) is found on similar sites but has larger leaves with wider lobes.

Interesting Facts:

Recently, the scientific name for this species was changed from 'nuttallii' to 'texana' and the official species name for Texas red oak switched from 'texana' to 'buckleyi' making the red oak group confusing

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