Albizia julibrissin

Secondary Names:

Leaf Type: Deciduous
Texas Native:
Tree Description:

A small, vase-shaped landscape tree to 30 feet tall and a trunk to 12" in diameter, with a flat crown that is often wider than tall. Often short-lived due to mimosa vascular wilt.

Range/Site Description:

Native to Asia, mimosa is planted throughout much of Texas, escaping and naturalizing in abandoned lots, fencerows, and fields in the eastern third of the state.


The alternately-attached leaves are 10" to 15" long, double-compound, with 5-12 pairs of pinnae (no terminal pinna), each with 10-30 pairs of leaflets measuring about 0.25" long. The fern-like foliage gives the tree a graceful, delicate appearance.


Delicate, showy, pink flowers mostly made up of clusters of the threadlike stamens, 2" or more long, which appear in early summer.


A flat, papery pod 5" to 8" long and 0.75" to 1" wide, with a pointed tip, enclosing the hard, brown seeds.


Pale gray, smooth, and tight on young trees, with vertical seams developing on older trunks.


Wood used for cabinets in its native Asia. Sold in southern U.S. as a landscape tree.

Similar Species:

Berlandier acacia (or guajillo) (Acacia berlandieri) is a common shrub in the brush country of South Texas; great leadtree (or tepeguaje) (Leucaena pulverulenta) is common in Rio Grande valley; Gregg leadtree (L. greggii) is a disputed species and may be extinct in Texas.

Interesting Facts:

First cultivated in 1745.

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